Monday, August 10, 2009

Saturday was our adventure day. We rode on two trains and one bus. As we whizzed along Düsseldorf unfolded before our eyes. We saw children playing, people pulling their groceries behind them in bags with wheels on the bottom, and lots and lots of buildings. People live in apartment buildings in most of Düsseldorf. It would be hard to count all the windows in each apartment building, they are so big! Most windows have short lace curtains.

“Well hurry up, Granma Barb! Tell us about your adventure, not about where people live!” I hear you saying. OK

Not everybody lives in an apartment building. Or even in a house. Some people live in a palace. Kings and Queens live in palaces, right?

A long, long time ago, when George Washington was president of the United States, there was a king in Germany named Theodor. Only the king wasn’t called a king, he was called the Elector. The king and his queen had a palace in Mannheim, where they lived most of the time. But the king wanted a palace to use in the summertime, and as place to invite his buddies to go deer hunting. So he built Schloss Benrath. This is what it looks like.

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